Precision Laser Cutting Services At Serra Laser Waterjet

It combines innovative technology with a new higher laser power all rolled into a brand new design. With one cutting head and integrated pallet changer, this new concept delivers a simplified operation that is optimized for perfection. Additionally, one of the issues of laser cutting is the upkeep of the delicate segments of the laser head. During upkeep, there is likewise a danger of conceivable injury to the specialist, who can be harmed by the laser pillar whenever taken care of imprudently.

The Preco fine cutting head was designed and built specifically for thin wall laser cutting with a clean edge and minimal thermal input. The head utilizes three focusing lenses and power modulation to minimize the damaging effects of tube backwall laser strikes. The importance of this type of technology and machines in the industry today is immeasurable. Not only does it help us to do things flatteringly, but it also saves us time and, ultimately, money. Most of the machines utilized for laser processing adopt CNC control.

This can result in reduced power loss in the delivery system and more capacity per watt than flying optics machines. This process is capable of holding quite close tolerances, often to within 0.001 inch (0.025 mm). Part geometry and the mechanical soundness of the machine have much to do with tolerance capabilities. The typical surface finish resulting from laser beam cutting may range from 125 to 250 micro-inches (0.003 mm to 0.006 mm).