Commen introduction of solar photovoltaic systems

Solar photovoltaic systems, also known as photovoltaics, referred to as photovoltaics, refer to facilities that convert solar energy into direct current energy using the photovoltaic effect of photovoltaic semiconductor galvanized square tubing materials. The core of photovoltaic facilities is solar panels. At present, semiconductor materials used for power generation mainly include: single crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, and cadmium telluride. Since countries have been actively promoting the application of renewable energy in recent years, the development of the photovoltaic industry is very rapid.

As of 2010, solar PV is in use in hundreds of countries around the world. Although its power generation capacity still accounts for only a small part of the total human power consumption, since 2004, the amount of photovoltaic power generated by the grid has increased at an average annual rate of 60%. By 2009, the total power generation capacity has reached 21GW, which is the fastest growing energy source. It is estimated that there is no photovoltaic system connected to the grid, and the current capacity is about 3 to 4 GW.

The photovoltaic system can be installed on the surface as a photovoltaic power station on a large scale, or it can be placed on the roof or exterior wall of a building to form a photovoltaic building integration.

The development of wind energy and water energy for photovoltaic supports requires careful site selection and environmental assessment. The areas where geothermal energy can be used are limited. It seems that only solar photovoltaic supports are suitable sustainable energy sources. The solar photovoltaic bracket is a special bracket for the placement, installation and fixing of solar panels in solar photovoltaic power generation systems.

The widely used photovoltaic stent technology is not completely problem-free. Among the photovoltaic scaffold power generation technologies, the most used is photovoltaic (PV) power generation. Similar to the photoelectric effect, electrons in the photovoltaic scaffold material are excited by the light energy and enter different electron orbitals, so that voltages appear between the two poles of the material. However, some heavy metal pollution is also generated in the manufacturing process of such materials, although the unit pollution of photovoltaic support power generation is much lower than that of thermal power plants. In addition, the biggest problem encountered in photovoltaic power generation is that power generation efficiency is difficult to improve.

Based on the above analysis, a photovoltaic power station with a certain scale needs to occupy a large amount of open space. Therefore, in order to achieve greater development of photovoltaic power generation, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of power generation, and at the same time make power generation equipment easier to assemble and utilize.